Part of our strategy is to form partnerships with businesses and other organisations who share our concern about what happens to Wakefield and we want to do this by inviting you to consider one of our corporate memberships. If you are sympathetic to our aims and would like to join us, the cost would be £75, £250 or £500 per year for Bronze, Silver or Gold membership respectively.
Download a corporate membership form here
In addition to our other activities detailed elsewhere on this website, we may organise special events for our corporate members from time to time. These events can be networking events with other corporate members, social events with the rest of the membership, or special team events for your colleagues such as guided walks and talks.
We are also keen to work with businesses and other organisations on practical issues where we hope to be able to share skills and knowledge and we would, in addition, like to invite you to consider sponsorship for our events and projects (such as the production of new publications about Wakefield or the Society and its work). Of course, we would acknowledge the help provided by any sponsors and would be happy to arrange for your logo to be displayed on any materials that you may choose to sponsor.
Benefits of Membership
As a registered charity, the Society relies on the subscriptions it receives from its members for the majority of its income. By joining the Society as a corporate member you will be helping the Society to continue its good work in trying to ensure that Wakefield is an attractive place in which to live or work and that it is a city which appeals to visitors. We are members of Civic Voice, the national umbrella organisation for civic societies, and the Yorkshire and Humber Association of Civic Societies (YHACS).
Bronze Membership – £75 per annum
This is the entry level for businesses and organisations. In addition to supporting our work, you will receive regular email updates and full details of our programme of events which will be open to your staff or members. By nominating someone from your organisation to attend as your representative, you will also be able to vote on the future direction of the Society at its Annual General Meeting in March and at Special Meetings that may be called from time to time. You will also be able to seek advice on any planning application or development work you may be considering in Wakefield from members of the Executive Committee before submitting your application to the Council.
All corporate members will be acknowledged in our publications and on our web site. There will also be an opportunity to place a free advertisement for your business or organisation in our annual report each year.
Silver Membership – £250 per annum
Membership as for Bronze but, in addition, we intend to establish a network of Silver and Gold members who will come together from time to time to share concerns about Wakefield and help to set the Society’s agenda for coming years (subject to support of the membership or Committee where appropriate).
Gold Membership – £500 per annum
As for Silver membership but, in addition, we intend to hold networking events and seminars to establish a consensus on what needs to happen in Wakefield to raise its profile, develop its image and promote its historic and architectural heritage. Gold Members and the Society Executive will then work towards delivering this agenda. There will also be opportunities for you to host events in conjunction with the Society.
We shall be pleased to receive feedback and suggestions on how these benefits can be further developed. We are also willing to talk to any organisation willing to offer business services in part payment of the corporate membership fee. Please contact us for details.